Our company was founded in 1998 and since the beginning of its operation, we have successfully provided a wide range of anchoring tools and techniques for professional and home applications. The main points of the company’s philosophy, and ones that guarantee our success are the high quality of our solutions and the absolute focus on customer needs.

 One of the largest multi-tool and PPE manufacturers in Central Europe

We are constantly working on developing our STALCO brand, which since its inception has won recognition and trust of customers, becoming one of the leading brands on the Polish market.

As professionals, we are constantly focusing on the qualifications of our employees and their continuous expansion. Starting with storage resource management through a comprehensive customer service to the team comprised of representatives who know their trade well, we focus on ambitious and experienced people for whom the good name of the company is an asset that deserves care and great commitment.

Our success is inextricably linked to the satisfaction of our Customers. Therefore, we try to meet their needs through:

  • the high quality of our products assured by quality control
  • guaranteed timely delivery due to standardized management systems for distribution channels carried out through the world’s leading shipping companies, and above all by means of own transport
  • trained personnel with high competence and the necessary theoretical knowledge that guarantees adherence to accepted standards of work and customer service
  • to raise the level of service and the efficiency of management, we decided to implement and maintain a quality management system. See section on quality policy

Wszystkie nasze wysiłki skupiamy na indywidualnych potrzebach i zadowoleniu naszych klientów. Naszym zdaniem ciągła dostępność ofert produktowych i kompleksowa informacja o produktach są oczywistym elementem optymalnej obsługi klienta. Tezę tę potwierdza wysoki poziom zadowolenia klientów.
Począwszy od 2019 roku zasięg naszej działalności wykracza poza granice Polski i z sukcesem budujemy sieć sprzedaży i dystrybucji na terenie Europy oraz obecnie Wielkiej Brytanii. Mając doskonałe wyniki sprzedaży w powyższych krajach rozpoczęliśmy proces ekspansji marki STALCO w Europie. W każdym kraju żyją ludzie o różnych gustach i mentalności, ale ludzie na całym świecie cenią niezawodność, jakość i profesjonalizm; dlatego jesteśmy pewni sukcesu marki STALCO w innych krajach.

Katalog PDF 2024
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